Friday 30 October 2015

Day 558

1.  Third gym attendance in a week!

2.  My legs are sore, and so I decided to spend the hour concentrating on foam rollering and corrective stretches in an attempt to ease things off a bit, all of which I could have done from home but this won't see me reach my self imposed target which was the only thing that motivated me to go in the first place!

3.  And talking of self imposed targets.... I HAVE REACHED THE MAGIC 50 GUESSES ON NAME THE BEAR! Or rather H has reached it for me! Whooo hoooo!!

4.  Which means only one thing - he's all yours for the other fifty FMG!

5.  Sewing machine is back out! This time so I could spend the afternoon making a hood for H's 'Arrow' Halloween party costume - before spending the evening picking him up from a drama rehearsal to take him to the party, to come home for an hour and a half before having to head out to pick him up again! Lets hope he enjoyed it!

London -177
Total Distance covered    937.4 miles
Gym Attendance = 3 (target 12 by 20 November)

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