Thursday 15 October 2015

Day 543

1.  I want a cup of tea.  I really want a cup of tea. In fact I'd almost kill for a cup of tea... but no milk = no tea :(

2.  A little cruel then that today, for the first and possibly last time ever, a salesman called asking if I'd like to order some tea to be delivered to the door, in a basket, like in the good old days.  I bade him farewell before venting any of my milk withdrawal anger at him!  Oh the injustice of it all!

3. More unexpected and most welcome company on my dog walk today - this time with FMG.

4. I have become obsessed with my sewing again to the detriment of everything else, which is why you're reading this on a Sunday as I fall ever further behind with my blog!

5.  C has returned from the wilderness safe and well.  He's a lucky boy to have Etsy Favouriter as his girlfriend for many reasons, top of today's list however has to be the fact that she's no sense of smell!

London -192
Total Distance covered    917.3 miles

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