1. I've done it! There are now six bags and four purses for next Saturday afternoon! (With a further five zips in the post - I know... what am I doing?!)
2. Ignoring the question of whether or not there is any sense in this later endeavour I am somewhat pleased that the last two purses have finished up almost identical is size - I think I might have cracked it!
3. I am therefore kind of hoping that the zips don't arrive until Monday so I can get some other jobs done over the weekend, because if they are here I know I'll want to prove to myself that I have (or not as the case may be!).
4. I am a little anxious over running tomorrow. My hip is feeling a little easier but my ankle isn't great. Timely then that I should receive this on my Facebook wall today
5. Trouble is, if I listened to every whisper from these runners feet and legs, I'd never put my trainers on again!
London -191
Total Distance covered 917.3 miles
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