Tuesday 27 October 2015

Day 555

1.  Al is home! And for a brief amount of time today all four of us were actually in the same place.

2.  For once however it was Al and I who went out - to a gig! Thank you parkrunfastfinisher for double booking yourself and giving us the opportunity to see The Staves this evening.  Lovely to be out although finding a settee in the Student's Union to sink into whilst we waited for them to come on, may have resulted in our missing the support act!

3.  I am exhausted.  My legs are killing me after yesterday's appearance at the gym! I had hoped that this morning's run might have loosened them off but it would appear not!

4.  Very foggy and somewhat eerie run this.  For the first run of my training plan I am hoping it is very very different to the final run in London. For which I am picturing blue skies and a pleasant 12 or 13 degrees!

5.  Trying to get to sleep this evening, I had my first panic about Christmas and how on earth am I going to be ready in time! Which is going some, even by my standards!

London -180
Distance covered                5.2 miles
Total Distance covered    933.7 miles
Gym Attendance = 1 (target 12 by 20 November)

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