Wednesday 14 October 2015

Day 542

1.  The twenty minute YouTube purse making video didn't make it any clearer - the person giving the tutorial just waffled on for longer!  But I managed to make another one which was slightly more to plan that the first!

2.  About a year after first asking the doctor if I could see a Dietitian, the day finally arrived... I almost wish it hadn't! She didn't smile much.  She didn't put me at ease.  She made me feel incredibly self conscious about the fact that I eat rather a lot of oatcakes - although in hindsight perhaps she was just incredulous that anyone would choose to eat that many! I'll bet she sees a lot of liars and every time I said 'oatcake' what she heard was 'chocolate biscuit'.

3.  I was given one of two options to try to start working out what foods might be causing me a problem, low fibre or milk free.  Originally opting for low fibre I quickly changed my mind when I was told I would have to peel all veg (including tomatoes), cut out any pulses, switch to white bread and Rice Krispies for breakfast, with my options for tea coming down to a Quorn fillet and mash potato - err no thanks!  So we switched to the milk free option.

4.  I'm starting tomorrow and consequently found myself craving all the things I won't be able to have! A somewhat milk, butter and cheese heavy afternoon followed!

5.  Not all bad news today however, an unexpected walk with Mrs J and Sapphy made a nice treat (just as well I'd got her purse ordered after last night's blog made by lunchtime) and an opportunity this evening to go and see H perform Shakespeare on stage in Leeds #proudmum. No idea where my other son is - on camping expedition as part of his DofE and maintaining radio silence!

London -193
Total Distance covered    917.3 miles

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