Tuesday 13 October 2015

Day 541

1.  My leg had not miraculously cured itself over night, sat first thing feeling rather sorry for myself, not knowing what to do to fix it other than not run... if only I knew a man who would know!

2.  The wonders of his new(ish) on line booking system, a slot available this afternoon and I was booked in before I'd even had my breakfast!

3.  IT'S NOT MY IT BAND! Yipppeeeee!! It's my hip.  A few days rest, corrective exercises, an unsurprising suggestion that I should return to the gym on a regular basis, and all being well I CAN RUN ON SATURDAY! Thank you Biomechanics Man!

4.  The zips have arrived for my latest venture into little purses! No prizes for guessing how I spent any spare minutes today...

5.  Tomorrow I am going to try and find the time to watch a video clip about how to make them that lasts twenty minutes instead of opting for the six minute version! There has to be an easier way than the hash I made of it en route to the finished article!

London -194
Total Distance covered    917.3 miles

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