Thursday 22 October 2015

Day 550

1.  Up at ten past five as H was going on a school trip that left at six, I had two trays of Brownies baked (for Saturday) before heading back to school with C at eight!

2.  With hindsight I think I might have been better going back to bed and then I might have managed to keep going for a little longer later...

3.  A Tombola prize drop off from FMG at ten, and I never seemed to quite get back on track!

4.  Eschewing the idea of going for a run in somewhat blustery conditions, Dougal and I headed out for a walk in an attempt to blow the cobwebs away and see if I could regain my early morning focus.  Can't say it worked, but I did have a nice guilt free tramp around the fields enjoying every last minute of my last week without a training schedule.

5.  It was hard baking today and not being able to sample any of it.  Definitely going to have to look at some milk free alternatives that I actually want to eat as opposed to feeling so cheated by things I can't have, that I went and bought some biscuits (that I know I don't like) just because I'd found out they were 'allowed'.  A week in and I can't say I'm seeing any noticeable improvement in my digestion, but then I'm not sure egg and chips (from the chippy) really have the 'eat well' plate covered! Might make up something slightly more healthier for today's food diary entry.... one week and I've turned into a food liar - it's like she saw me coming!

London -185
Total Distance covered    925.4 miles

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