Saturday 17 October 2015

Day 545 - Parkrun 91

1.  Wasn't really feeling the parkrun bug this morning when I got up, but three and half laps of Crownest Park and it was back!

2.  My ankle wasn't great when I set off but it soon eased off and I couldn't feel it any more.  Run over it's back - it's almost like my foot's preferred position is that held whilst running! But I haven't heard of many running injuries that require you to keep running... perhaps I should check it out with the Biomechanics Man next week when I'm in the gym!!!

3.  Tombola prizes are starting to arrive! For someone who isn't a great fan of tat and has a problem buying presents for the sake of it, it's a little odd to find myself collecting bags full of the stuff from kind friends!  Funnily enough everyone who has given things has done so on the strict instruction that they don't want it back if it isn't won.

4.  My mindfulness course has somewhat fallen by the way side this week, and with more busy times ahead it looks like I might be a little late in finishing.  I'm not altogether sure what effect it's having although I am becoming increasingly conscious of the need to live in the present moment and not worry about what's been and gone, or is yet to come.  A large part of that is self acceptance.  Which I think I've managed to work round to being the perfect excuse to pick one of my favourite songs for

parkrun 91 - 1991

I might not be able to eat cheese - but I can still play it! (There is however, no excusing that shirt!).

5.  And, much as I kept my musical taste to myself around the dinner table this evening (when the muso's were discussing bands I'd never heard of) so, by not publishing my blog until Sunday, did I keep the news that I am now an egg away from being a vegan out of the earshot of our hosts! Springing that news on them at three days notice might have been stretching our friendship a bit far! Instead I kept schtum and allowed myself to savour every morsel of delightfully baked brie. Thanks for a lovely evening L and parkrunfastfinisher!

London -190
Distance covered                3.1 miles
Total Distance covered    920.4 miles

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