Wednesday 28 October 2015

Day 556

1.  Back to the gym today... thankfully Mr October was nowhere to be seen and I didn't have to adorn the sunglasses and hat I had packed just in case!

2.  Weather wise truly the most hideous of days, fire lit by lunchtime all plans to be motivated and productive seemed to melt into the sofa.  Al is such a bad influence.

3.  And for whilst I don't think it's to blame for my lack of motivation (as we've already established that's Al), I actually think I might be sickening for something. Profuse sweating at the gym when I don't usually even perspire is a bit of a tell tale sign of something and it wasn't increased effort!

4.  My laid back attitude of last week seems to be dissipating and last night's Christmas angst is gathering speed - aaarrrggghhh!!!

5.  Not a lot of point in starting to do anything about it today though! BUT I might write a to-do list for the morning and see if I can have a better day tomorrow.  Finishing the clearing up from Saturday might be a good place to start!

London -179
Total Distance covered    933.7 miles
Gym Attendance = 2 (target 12 by 20 November)

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