Wednesday 21 October 2015

Day 549

1.  First day of the second half of my 100 day challenge and instead of waking up feeling energised and full of optimism #thisgirlcan it was much more a case of #thisgirlcan'tbearsed!

2.  Didn't help that I came back from dropping the boys off and promptly dropped my phone and it broke.

3.  A little disgruntled with how long it took the repair shop to look at C's broken computer before deciding that they couldn't fix it, and not really wanting to have to go in and admit to my failings - again! I found somewhere new! The woman was so lovely and empathic having dropped her ipad down the stairs on several occasions, and better still truthfully told me that it was only a screw that had fallen out, replaced the broken screen protector and charged me a fiver! Very happy and know where I'll be going next time...

4.  A lovely walk blowing the cobwebs away and I came home in a better frame of mind to start tackling the to do list, first up a bit of cleaning ahead of Saturday.  Pulled the piano out to hoover behind it and it was like Sid the Dog was still here.  Slowly eliminating the number of places we'll find his 'hair' but I don't think he'll ever leave us completely.

5.  With two and a half days to go and a million jobs still to do, I have decided that displaying my wares for only me to look at in the meantime was top priority after cleaning somewhere no one was going to look! I am hoping that the very visual reminder might spur me into action tomorrow!

London -186
Total Distance covered    925.4 miles

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