Friday 9 October 2015

Day 537

1. My posture was definitely better when I got up this morning but my plans to get tidying have yet to materialise - yet being the operative word!

2.  Spent the day continuing my catchup on my Mindfulness course... am becoming a little concerned about the number of journals I am supposed to be keeping! Mindfulness, meditation, gratitude, anger, guilt, happiness, any other emotions, daily progress journal for the 100 Day Goal, 3 pages of whatever comes into my head first thing in a morning, and my favourite by far but possibly superfluous after writing all of the above - a procrastination journal!

3.  Add in my colouring in charts and it's not really surprising that I forgot to go to the gym!

4.  In truth I've yet to start most of them, and not sure that I will, but am already wondering what the business opportunity for selling blank books might be!

5. In the meantime I have however, decided on a new chart! 200 days of bunting to map my progress to London! I've decided on a key (all in Barnardo's green): diagonal stripes - gym; horizontal stripes - walk; vertical stripes - walk and exercises at home; dots - just exercises; and solid colour - RUN! I am hoping the fact that it pleases me aesthetically will mean this works where the break the chain calendar failed! Three days in and I'm loving it so far... and I even did some exercises so I could colour in a different pattern to yesterday! How long do you give it? A week?!

London -198
Total Distance covered    914.2 miles

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