Sunday 29 November 2015

Day 588

1.  On Friday I had an email from Pinterest entitled "Declutter by December"  Four days?!! I don't think they understand the size of the problem!

2. SisterofMG750 (or rather Marathongirl150!) on the other hand has had first hand knowledge and was keen to remind me of it this morning! Less than impressed with my goal for the day being to hoover the stairs I found myself agreeing to start tidying my room and vowed to throw three things out - which I was made to increase to four! 

3. Al did ask if a pair of shoes would count as two and if they were in a box was that three?! But in fact I found a whole lot of stuff bound for the charity shop which made exceeding my target easy! 

4. I have a suspicion that my actual clothes hanging in the wardrobe are next on her hit list, and I have visions of her coming to inspect at Christmas in a Trinny and Susannah kind of a way, whereby she pulls things off rail, looks despairingly at it and then me before chucking it in a 'get rid of ' pile, whilst I stand protesting about how I can't possibly face life without that particular ten year old cardigan that never suited me when I bought it yet I'm still wearing it every time she sees me!

5.   I did wonder how I was going to be made to pay for her running the marathon!

London -147
Total Distance covered     998.4 miles
Gym Attendance = 10 

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