Thursday 5 November 2015

Day 564

1.  What a difference a couple of days and the company of FMG can make to a run!

2.  Tuesday's run was hard work and the last mile especially felt like a really long one, by comparison today's run flew by and felt like we'd just got going by the time we reached home - lets hope we feel the same way when the mileage starts to increase!

3.  Forgot to set my running app and haven't remembered to charge my Garmin in weeks so I had to map our run on the computer when we got home. Quite a strange experience, clicking my way around the map not remembering large chunks of it. This may in part be down to the fog and the fact that we couldn't see much of where we were, but I think it was far more likely to be down to the chat. Thank you for your company FMG - been far too long since we ran together. 

4.  For someone who wasn't in the mood to cook, I'm not sure why I decided to bake brownies, lentil croquettes (nicer than they sound) and Christmas pudding.  Actually I do know why, we had nothing for tea, the pudding is for my sister to take home with her, and the brownies are milk free and my alternative to chocolate digestives for our pre breakfast tea and catch up on Sunday....

5.  If it's been too long since FMG and I ran together, it is nothing compared to how long it's been since I've been able to say "SisterofMG750 arrives tomorrow!!!!" More than just a little bit excited at the thought of seeing you sis xx

London -171
Distance covered                 4.8 miles  
Total Distance covered     950.4 miles
Gym Attendance = 5 (target 12 by 20 November)

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