Friday 20 November 2015

Day 579

1.  Really frustrating day - by which I mean I only managed to find one free hour to sew.

2.  Could have found another this afternoon but I went to the gym instead! 

3.  I will always be able to find excuses not to go - but they aren't going to get me round London. 

4.  So I managed 10 gym appearances in the past four weeks. Which given my previous record is pretty good going and on a previous reward scheme would have earned me a top! 

5.  No such incentives this time round - the prize this time is seeing the Mall at the end of twenty six miles still on my feet! Question now is do I set myself a lower - and more achievable - target for the next four or push myself that little bit harder? Hmm might need to think about that one! 

London -156
Total Distance covered     978 miles
Gym Attendance = 10 (target 12 by 20 November)

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