Wednesday 25 November 2015

Day 584

1.  Fifteen months ago I met a woman whilst walking the dogs who was a piano teacher and I was going to try and start playing again. I haven't, but I met the same woman again today and when I used the marathon as my excuse for doing nothing about it, she immediately asked for my fundraising details so she could donate.

2.  This level of kindness from someone I've met only once before sits at one end of the feel good spectrum today... My second meeting with the dietician sits at the other.

3.  I have no idea what I've done for her to so obviously dislike me, but fear not! When the discussion into how my milk free diet has helped but not cured the problem led onto the option of a fairly strict restrictive diet I jumped at the chance as soon as I heard the words "I'd have to refer you to another dietician...!"

4.  So for a short while I can relax my milk free status, and eat as many chocolate biscuits as I can cause next up amongst a whole list of other things is wheat! Good job I bought a jumbo pack!

5,  Because I want the day before the marathon to be 1 (as in M minus 1) today is M minus 151, but at the same time there's 150 days until the marathon! C has tried to explain the maths of this to me but I didn't really get it... suffice to say THERE'S 150 DAYS TO! Consequently the first fifty flags on my countdown bunting have been coloured in and I can report that I've run on 17 of them, been to the gym 11 times, just walked the dog 10, done exercises at home as well as walk 6, just done the exercises twice and done jack sh*t on four consecutive Sunday's! Not for much longer though... the long Sunday runs are looming!

London -151
Total Distance covered     986.3 miles
Gym Attendance = 10 

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