Saturday 14 November 2015

Day 573 - Parkrun 95

1. GOLD! Always believe in your soul   You've got the power to know   You're indestructible....

2.  I did it! First lady home!! The gold medal is mine!!!

3.  It matters not that is was a seriously depleted field, nor that if I'd only run 3 seconds faster I could have gone sub 24, nor that it may never happen again... today I was the fastest lady!

4.  I knew when I was running that there was a chance that I was, as I couldn't see another female runner in front, and this along with a new playlist and running a lot of the way in a pack with H, Al, Dougal and (albeit a rather hungover) parkrunfastfinisher kept me going! A problem uploading the results led to a rather anxious wait until early this evening but thankfully for me and H (who got a PB) they came eventually!

5.  Finding a song for today has caused me a certain amount of deliberation when what I've written above is put in the wider context of the day we learned of the terrorist attacks on Paris.  Trying to find the words to write about why I settled on this has taken far longer than it should and I've still not come up with anything I'm happy with.  As a mum I didn't really know what to say to H this morning on our way to parkrun except to live his life to the best of his abilities, to make the most of the opportunities that come his way, to be true to himself and be happy for as long as he is able...

parkrun 95 -1995

London -162
Distance covered                 3.1 miles
Total Distance covered     967.8 miles
Gym Attendance = 7 (target 12 by 20 November)

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