Saturday 7 November 2015

Day 566 - Parkrun 94

1.  I want a different hobby! One that does not entail getting up early on a Saturday morning to go and run in the rain! And when I say rain I mean rain!!

2.  Two weeks of going to the gym and I'm getting slower... this was not the plan! May have had more to do with my glasses being misted up on the inside and wet on the outside, with too many fallen leaves making the path a little treacherous to run 'blind' - but I'm blaming the gym. 

3.  Slower than I'd like to have been or otherwise parkrun 94 is in the bag! And for the hours and hours over the past two and a half years spent running round Crow Nest Park here is 
4.  Half of our extended parkrun family on tour, FMG poorly and the rubbish coffee at the recently taken over cafe meant that we left my sis to have a long lie and opted for the option of coming straight home afterwards. Just didn't feel right - but sitting around in very wet kit might well have felt worse! 

5.  Lovely afternoon with Al and my sis enjoying long overdue post half marathon mojitos - better late than never!

London -169
Distance covered                 3.1 miles
Total Distance covered     953.5 miles
Gym Attendance = 6 (target 12 by 20 November)

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