Tuesday 24 November 2015

Day 583

1.  Heading out for my run this morning and I just couldn't face it. I could picture the route unfolding in front of me and I was at a total loss for motivation... so I decided to run it in the opposite direction!

2.  I know that if I start and finish at the same point then the elevation loss and gain must be equal, both in terms of the individual run and whichever way I run round the route, but it felt like a lot of uphill running!

3.  I have however convinced myself that this is really good marathon training! As I generally run on my own, or am chief route setter then I almost always run routes that I like, which isn't preparing me for the the long stretches in London that are less scenic and perhaps will be quieter on the old supporter front! Today was about finding a rhythm and just keeping going, one foot in front of the other until the hill was climbed and the route was run.

4.  Came home absolutely awash with post run euphoria! Picked up an email as I walked through the door inviting me to take part in an ultra run starting in the South Downs and finishing on the steps of Winchester Cathedral and found myself daydreaming about it in the shower! Acknowledging that next June might be a little soon after the marathon to run two more consecutively (although I can have an overnight stay in between the two if I choose!), I opted for June 2017 and started planning my trip, being reunited with my friend who works at the Cathedral as I crossed the finish line and popping to see C at University afterwards...  For someone who didn't want to run five miles I'm not entirely sure where the notion to run fifty came from, and don't worry sis I won't be asking you to join me!

5.  Took a while for me to remember that my friend works at Chichester not Winchester and with a rather large amount of relief (and the tiniest twinge of regret) I can put that particular dream back in it's box!

London -152
Distance covered                  5.2 miles
Total Distance covered     986.3 miles
Gym Attendance = 10 

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