Monday 23 November 2015

Day 582

1.  The trouble with feeding your obsession is that nothing else gets done whilst you're doing it!

2.  So after finishing the blanket this morning I spent the rest of the day trying to get up to speed with at least knowing what it was that I should have been doing! 

3.  I decided that this was a higher priority than going to the gym! H agreed with me, I think mainly because having finally got round to putting the contents of his bedroom floor into the wash basket he's hoping that they might make their way back out of it before he runs out of clothes! 

4.  Determined to get as much as Christmas organised as I can by the end of the 100 Day Challenge - 16 days left it's going to be a busy couple of weeks.

5.  I am very pleased with how well the blanket - or double bedspread! - turned out, and once I take the all left over bits of T shirt to the charity shop rag collection tomorrow I will be very pleased to have my house back. Although you have to know that I did deliberate over whether or not I could find a use for T shirt scraps before deciding that they had to go! 

London -153
Total Distance covered     981.1 miles
Gym Attendance = 10 

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