Wednesday 18 November 2015

Day 577

1.  C may well have given me an 'A' for attendance at the gym, but I'd have been lucky to get anything higher than an 'E' for effort from the Biomechamics Man this morning!

2.  For some reason he didn't seem overly impressed with my forty minute foam roller and stretch program!! 

3.  A trip to the post office this morning to pop the last of the 39 bags from my 100 Day Goal in the post! Whoo hoooo!!

4.  Attempting to balance the books this afternoon I spent a lot longer than I should have done trying to locate a 'lost' bag. I checked my maths, I looked back through old text messages to see if FMG had sold an extra one, I replayed conversations with her in my head about how many we had left, and just as I was about to give up and try and live with the anomaly in my spreadsheet I remembered - I took one!

5.  Made a tentative start on the blanket... 5 pieces sewn together 46 to go!

London -158
Total Distance covered     972.9 miles
Gym Attendance = 9 (target 12 by 20 November)

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