Tuesday 17 November 2015

Day 576

1.  In a dilemma this morning about missing my gym target... I kid you not! Really wanted to make it, but there was just too much to do today that would serve me better, and so reluctantly I have let it go.

2.  C was very helpful in helping me reach this decision and running through the different options with me.  In the end I think I'll settle for 10 out of 12 (if I make it) and try harder next time! For which I will be awarded an 'A' with a target grade of 'A*' apparently!  

3.  Lovely run with Dougal this morning before the rain came.  Remembering that today was photo day I stopped to take a picture of what was at one point going to be Sid's tree only to find it's been felled! Just as well he's still in his vase! 

4.  Had a fairly productive day but seem to have only scratched the surface of what needs to be done. Writing this at 7.30pm  - let's see how much I can get done before writing point five at 10pm. Which kind of depends on whether can drag myself off the settee before I fall asleep! 

5.  Four jobs on the list.... one ticked! But it was a biggy!! T-shirts now all placed and sizes worked out and measurements checked. Now the fun (or not!) part of trying to actually make them the right size!

London -159
Distance covered                 5.1 miles
Total Distance covered     972.9 miles
Gym Attendance = 8 (target 12 by 20 November)

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