Saturday 30 January 2016

Day 650

1.  I might not be feeling the benefits of my training at long distance, but I'm starting to feel more solid round parkrun. Accompanied by fellow parkrunner it made for a nice run, much more pleasant than last Sunday although too quick for much conversation.... you win some, you loose some!

2.  Always a good day when Mrs parkrunfastfinisher comes to join us! Although at her third parkrun appearance overall and second at Dewsbury she's got a fair way to go before she can be classed as a regular ;) but be warned we'll make an addict of you yet!

3.  Always a dangerous day when sisterofMG750 is in an airport with time on her hands.... consequently the ballot for the Royal Parks Half Marathon in October has been entered!

4.  It is apparently on her bucket list which pleases me on two counts...

5.  Firstly she's planning on running again after London, and secondly she doesn't think it's going to kill her!!

London - 85
Distance covered                    6 miles
Total Distance covered     1102.3 miles

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