Thursday 21 January 2016

Day 641

1.  I dared to believe yesterday that the issues I'd had with my right leg were behind me...

2.  They might well be, but my left has now decided that it wants in on the action. 

3.  Or rather that it is loudly (in the form of muscle spasms) requesting a period of inaction!

4.  So a day off from running today, and as FMG has not had the go ahead to run that we'd hoped for, I can't help but feel like the dream is crumbling a little and that's making me sad.

5.  Still in an attempt to keep moving forward and acquire some new knowledge, I accompanied fellow parkrunner to a sports nutrition talk by the Running Man in the hope of learning what to eat, or as it turned out what not to eat! Oh dear! A lot of sound advice I'm sure, but apparently not something we're ready to fully accommodate in our daily diets - I came home and ate half a baguette, whilst somewhat more appetisingly pizza and wine was on the menu at maison du fellow parkrunner!

London - 94
Total Distance covered     1078.3 miles

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