Tuesday 12 January 2016

Day 632

1.  My leg wasn't much better today and the weather was freezing so I decided on a rest day rather than a run day.

2.  I did however give myself a bit of a stern talking to this morning - bearing in mind that I'd to stop what I had planned for last week on Wednesday and get on with cleaning for our visitors, this means I adopted my new focused approach for a total of 3 days.  I think I can give it a better go than that.

3.  I had a better day.  It wasn't brilliant, but it was better than yesterday and although today's list was not completed I did at least tick off yesterday's.

4.  In my defence I don't think I'm overly well.... two thermal tops, a jumper and a scarf on indoors and I'm still cold?

5.  But I'd be lying if I didn't admit to the main reason behind my lack of motivation for jobs being my obsession with binge watching the BBC's adaptation of Pride and Prejudice from twenty-one years ago! Oh Mr Darcy!!!

London -103
Total Distance covered     1064.7 miles

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