Wednesday 20 January 2016

Day 640

1.  I am so done with feeling cold...

2.  But after applying my new ruthless tidying techniques to my tops I've got nothing left to wear if we get a sudden heatwave! 

3.  I really struggled throwing out my all time favourite ever top but it was so old that the fabric had gone horrid and it didn't pass the "hold this in your hands - does this bring you joy?" test and so it had to go... 

4.  I didn't realised when I found my book by chance that it was so popular and the latest craze. Makes me a little sceptical and I am starting to think perhaps I should bag and keep the discard pile in case next year's finding happiness fad is to fill your home with everything you've ever owned and live in messy but contented comfort!

5.  Pleased to report that FMG is on the road to recovery! A turn on the exercise bike and treadmill last night and her leg is fine - yay!! All we need now is for the physio to recommend running as the best cure for a dislocated shoulder when you see them tomorrow 😉

London - 95
Total Distance covered     1078.3 miles

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