Sunday 17 January 2016

Day 637

I have written and inadvertently deleted this post twice now - here's hoping it's third time lucky...

1.  I have started putting my tidying book into practice! My sock drawer used to look like this:

2.  And now looks like this:

3.  I am more than a little bit pleased with myself.  Whether or not I can maintain such order will remain to be seen, BUT

4.  I am itching to get on with the rest of my clothes and then my entire house now (actually I have also done my pants drawer but I shall spare you the photographic evidence!) but I have a feeling I won't be able to find the time this week.

5.  Wouldn't have started today if it hadn't been for my sister.  She had to run 10 miles (broken into 1 mile segments) and couldn't be bothered, I had lots of jobs to do and no motivation to do them.... so we spent the day trading success to motivate the other.  Caught out early on with my "if you do mile 3 I'll do another drawer" only to find mile three was already done, I should have known better than to wager the entire ironing pile finished this evening on her ability to complete all ten miles! It was a fun and productive day. Love you sis xxx

London - 98
Total Distance covered     1073.1 miles

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