Saturday 16 January 2016

Day 636

1.  Al and Dougal have got a new PB - 22.58! The first in the family to go sub twenty three minutes! Soooo proud (and just the HUGEST bit envious!) Well done! One day I'll be trying to catch you....

2.  But not this morning.  Agreed with fellow parkrunner and SC to run together and have a nice bimble round like we did on New Years Day...

3.  Hmmmm last time SC gets the job of being lead runner! An 8 minute 13 mile does not constitute a leisurely pace! Unless of course you're my speedy husband!

4.  Talk afterwards in the cafe was on the merits of my new tidying book that I have two thirds read and not put into practice.  Whether it was this or just the general state of our house but I got into a bit of a state about it this afternoon but not so much as to actually do anything significant about it.

5.  Boys went out running together this afternoon and lovely as it is to be in a family of fitness freaks (well not quite) I'm struggling to keep on top of our normal washing when we are producing so much kit to wash - especially as the weather is necessitating the wearing of multiple layers. I just feel like I'm going backwards - except for my knitting which is growing nicely! Clearly it's not my house, but my priorities that are a mess.

London - 99
Distance covered                3.1 miles
Total Distance covered     1073.1 miles

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