Thursday 28 January 2016

Day 648

1.  Hmmmm I didn't expect the numbers to vary quite so soon!

2.  A trip out for coffee with some of the running girls turned into a wonderful excuse for a second breakfast after which running kind of went out of the window.

3.  Starting to feel like I'm running on a barrel (like the ones there used to be in the park schoolfriend and sisterofMG750) that it's taken on it's own momentum and my feet can no longer keep pace with it.  From experience the only way to stop it, is to lift your feet off and let it spin on it's own for a while whilst it slows down.

4.  This works great as a metaphor, but in reality I'm just not so sure how to jump off and leave everything spinning without me attached...

5.  But a trip out to see H in Othello this evening accompanied by good friends and family provided a good distraction for a while!

London - 87
Total Distance covered     1096.3 miles

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