Wednesday 27 January 2016

Day 647

1.  Tired, weary and a little bit jaded by the whole marathon thing, it wasn't with the best of attitudes that I entered the gym this morning.

2.  Desperately trying to find the motivation to start my kettle bell dead lift, plank and upward rowing sets I receive the most opportune text from my sis..... she is being driven down The Mall (I'm guessing in a taxi and not a State carriage) and sends me a picture of what will be the finish line!

3.  "Keep your eye on the prize" - became my mantra for the rest of the session.... thanks sis xx

4.  I can't give up with only 88 days to do, and especially not after what I've put myself (and so many others through) the past 647 days.

5.  88 days...  or put another way 38 more training runs, 34 gym sessions and 16 days off*

London - 88
Total Distance covered     1096.3 miles

* numbers may vary!

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