Friday 29 January 2016

Day 649

1.  Train tickets for travelling to London on the Friday before the marathon became available today.... which means it's twelve weeks, which means it's all starting to feel a little real!

2.  Two emails in from London Marathon one offering me a download of the course which I can then watch whilst I am running on the treadmill and the pictures will move at the pace I'm running and I'll get to see other runners who are using the software at the same time (or at least I think that's what it said...) all very impressive but my phone isn't flash enough to run the app - oh dear!

3.  The second is much more old school and therefore up my street! Someone in London this April will be the millionth London Marathon runner and I get opportunity to buy a unique T-shirt to commemorate my part in being part of that million.  This has excited me slightly more than I think it should.

4.  Talking with Mr and Mrs J this evening about how my training was going, and I was telling them how I'm finding it hard especially as I don't feel like I'm getting any stronger, I just seem to feel older, more tired and with more aches in my legs with each day that passes.  They listened politely but I could see they weren't really buying into what I was saying.

5.  Fast forward four hours and, after a lovely evening sitting round the table eating fabulous food and enjoying their company, I think they got the message! My legs had completely seized up and to get up from the table I had to tip myself forward maintaining the same angle that my hips and knees had held for the evening and hobble to the support of the sofa where I could begin the process of trying to straighten myself up! Endurance athlete?! More like ninety year old grandma.... should have taken my knitting with me!

London - 86
Total Distance covered     1096.3 miles

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