Thursday 14 January 2016

Day 634

1.  According to my Virgin Money Giving page, and my countdown bunting it is 100 days to London!! According to the countdown at the bottom of the page it's M minus 101 but I think that's because I want it to read M minus 1 the day before.  Was stuck in this debate 50 days ago, but one thing's for sure... there's not long to go!!

2.  It was this, and this alone that got me out running this lunchtime. Very cold but thankfully no snow - although there were a few flurries this morning. 

3.  My legs are in a state of shock! 13 miles on Sunday, 5 miles today and two trips to the gym already this week, with another planned for tomorrow, they might just have given up by the time I get to parkrun on Saturday. 

4. In terms of a fifty day round up I shan't bore you with all of the scintillating facts but suffice to say  my gym attendance has almost halved and the days I've done Jack sh*t has more than doubled!  

5.  Long awaited poncho wool arrived today, but they sent the wrong colour! Fingers crossed for a replacement tomorrow so I can then spend as much of the weekend as possible hibernating under a blanket with my knitting, think there might even be some snooker on - can life get any more exciting?!

London -101
Distance covered                 5.3 miles
Total Distance covered     1070 miles

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