Sunday 31 January 2016

Day 651

1.  I've got a cold and am feeling a bit rubbish and also a little sorry for myself.

2.  Thankfully today was a rest day. 

3.  Although I didn't rest! I woke up having had an anxiety dream about not having done enough work towards my German GCSE! I've never studied German in my life and have no idea where that came from! 

4.  C was quick to point out that perhaps I'm worrying on H's behalf!! 

5.  12 weeks to London!

London - 84
Total Distance covered     1102.3 miles

Saturday 30 January 2016

Day 650

1.  I might not be feeling the benefits of my training at long distance, but I'm starting to feel more solid round parkrun. Accompanied by fellow parkrunner it made for a nice run, much more pleasant than last Sunday although too quick for much conversation.... you win some, you loose some!

2.  Always a good day when Mrs parkrunfastfinisher comes to join us! Although at her third parkrun appearance overall and second at Dewsbury she's got a fair way to go before she can be classed as a regular ;) but be warned we'll make an addict of you yet!

3.  Always a dangerous day when sisterofMG750 is in an airport with time on her hands.... consequently the ballot for the Royal Parks Half Marathon in October has been entered!

4.  It is apparently on her bucket list which pleases me on two counts...

5.  Firstly she's planning on running again after London, and secondly she doesn't think it's going to kill her!!

London - 85
Distance covered                    6 miles
Total Distance covered     1102.3 miles

Friday 29 January 2016

Day 649

1.  Train tickets for travelling to London on the Friday before the marathon became available today.... which means it's twelve weeks, which means it's all starting to feel a little real!

2.  Two emails in from London Marathon one offering me a download of the course which I can then watch whilst I am running on the treadmill and the pictures will move at the pace I'm running and I'll get to see other runners who are using the software at the same time (or at least I think that's what it said...) all very impressive but my phone isn't flash enough to run the app - oh dear!

3.  The second is much more old school and therefore up my street! Someone in London this April will be the millionth London Marathon runner and I get opportunity to buy a unique T-shirt to commemorate my part in being part of that million.  This has excited me slightly more than I think it should.

4.  Talking with Mr and Mrs J this evening about how my training was going, and I was telling them how I'm finding it hard especially as I don't feel like I'm getting any stronger, I just seem to feel older, more tired and with more aches in my legs with each day that passes.  They listened politely but I could see they weren't really buying into what I was saying.

5.  Fast forward four hours and, after a lovely evening sitting round the table eating fabulous food and enjoying their company, I think they got the message! My legs had completely seized up and to get up from the table I had to tip myself forward maintaining the same angle that my hips and knees had held for the evening and hobble to the support of the sofa where I could begin the process of trying to straighten myself up! Endurance athlete?! More like ninety year old grandma.... should have taken my knitting with me!

London - 86
Total Distance covered     1096.3 miles

Thursday 28 January 2016

Day 648

1.  Hmmmm I didn't expect the numbers to vary quite so soon!

2.  A trip out for coffee with some of the running girls turned into a wonderful excuse for a second breakfast after which running kind of went out of the window.

3.  Starting to feel like I'm running on a barrel (like the ones there used to be in the park schoolfriend and sisterofMG750) that it's taken on it's own momentum and my feet can no longer keep pace with it.  From experience the only way to stop it, is to lift your feet off and let it spin on it's own for a while whilst it slows down.

4.  This works great as a metaphor, but in reality I'm just not so sure how to jump off and leave everything spinning without me attached...

5.  But a trip out to see H in Othello this evening accompanied by good friends and family provided a good distraction for a while!

London - 87
Total Distance covered     1096.3 miles

Wednesday 27 January 2016

Day 647

1.  Tired, weary and a little bit jaded by the whole marathon thing, it wasn't with the best of attitudes that I entered the gym this morning.

2.  Desperately trying to find the motivation to start my kettle bell dead lift, plank and upward rowing sets I receive the most opportune text from my sis..... she is being driven down The Mall (I'm guessing in a taxi and not a State carriage) and sends me a picture of what will be the finish line!

3.  "Keep your eye on the prize" - became my mantra for the rest of the session.... thanks sis xx

4.  I can't give up with only 88 days to do, and especially not after what I've put myself (and so many others through) the past 647 days.

5.  88 days...  or put another way 38 more training runs, 34 gym sessions and 16 days off*

London - 88
Total Distance covered     1096.3 miles

* numbers may vary!

Tuesday 26 January 2016

Day 646

1.  I've found my distance!! Early morning run back from dropping my car at the garage - all TWO miles of it! Loved it!!

2.  I wasn't quite so ecstatic with my do nothing day...  

3.  Try to do too much end up stressed, opt to do very little outcome's the same! Damned if I do, damned if I don't!

4.  Going to have to try and find some sort of happy medium tomorrow.

5.  Meanwhile the news in from FMG is not good. She has decided to defer her marathon place (very un-smiley face).  I wish you hadn't had to make the decision, but fully support and understand the choice you've made.  But I'm still going to call you Full Marathon Girl because your day will come xx

London - 89
Distance covered                       2 miles
Total Distance covered     1096.3 miles

Monday 25 January 2016

Day 645

1.  It is a very sad state of affairs when you would rather be up and foam rollering your legs at ten past six in the morning than lying in your bed - such are the joys of the life (and pain) of an endurance athlete.

2.  But my legs felt better for it - although they weren't quite up to the gym!

3.  I think it's fair to say that I have become a little overwhelmed by the enormity of the task ahead, which has made me want to run for the cover of my duvet and stay there.

4.  Although that said perhaps if I'd spent a little less time under a blanket yesterday afternoon I might have felt more organised today! 

5.  So in an attempt to regain control I wrote a very ambitious to-do list for today and then got all flustered this afternoon when it became clear that I wasn't going to be able to achieve it!  Not the desired effect and leaves me in the procrastinator's heaven of setting the following goal for tomorrow "to aim to be less productive than I'd hoped for today!"

London - 90
Total Distance covered     1094.3 miles

Sunday 24 January 2016

Day 644

1.  SIXTEEN MILES!! (My Garmin comes in slightly lower at 15.5 this week - so today it's Strava that's correct!!)  What isn't debatable is that it was a LOOOOOOOOOONG way and that the elevation looked like this

2.  Even with the company of Al and Dougal for the first 7 miles and fellow parkrunner for the whole 16, the fact that my leg was OK and that the weather was kind to us it was hard work and never quite felt like fun.

3.  The addition of chaffing on my right bingo wing did nothing to add to my mood!

4.  Struggling with the concept of running a further ten and a bit.  Not for the first time I think I may have underestimated how far 26 miles really is!

5.   Thank you for keeping me going RLB your company was much appreciated. Thank you for your company and then coming home to make brunch Mr L, before lighting the fire and joining me in snoozing the afternoon away. Love you loads xxx 

London - 91
Distance covered              16 miles (have I mentioned that?!)
Total Distance covered     1094.3 miles

Saturday 23 January 2016

Day 643

1.  Al was juggling, H was playing underwater hockey in Newport, C was celebrating his first anniversary with Etsy Favouriter, and I was on don't run on Saturday week, the ideal opportunity for a much needed lie in.

2.  Or a chance to chalk up my 20th time of volunteering and bring me within 5 of the elusive parkrun volunteers T-shirt that I am hoping I will have attained before London....

3.  The backlog of orders for such coveted items means that, like my 100 T-shirt, they are still winging there way to us from the other side of the world, so attained maybe, received perhaps not! But it is a milestone that I take pride in... especially when nothing went wrong with the timing today and me and the other time keeper were able to hand the run director two perfectly in sync stop watches!

4.  Numerous PB's recorded this morning (even more pleased that the timing worked!) well done SC and MC, me and fellow parkrunner were clearly holding you back last week!

5.  I have decided that I need to get my head into a new mindset regarding my leg and questions as to how my training is going.  Talking to a friend who has run at least twenty marathons this morning I decided that enough was enough.  Either it will cause me a problem tomorrow or it won't.  If it does I'll have to walk home or phone for a lift - worrying about it, talking about it and constantly thinking about it is not going to make any difference, and it might even make it worse.  Time to put up and shut up me thinks!

London - 92
Total Distance covered     1078.3 miles

Friday 22 January 2016

Day 642

1.  My leg is no better, but I was never going to go to the gym today even if it had been....

2.  A mid morning dentist appointment meant that I couldn't fit it in before, and I felt so sorry for myself afterwards that there was no way I was going to put myself through the risk of bursting into tears.

3.  I'm blaming the anaesthetic! It was a fairly lengthy procedure and at one point I had to sit on my own in the surgery for quarter of an hour.  The dentist reappeared to find me cuddling into my coat and apologised for the temperature in the room, I didn't like to tell her I was using it as a comfort blanket!

4.  Anaesthetic and dentist visits aside I am working myself into a bit of a state over the thought of running fifteen miles on Sunday and whether or not I'll be able to do it.

5.  I'm not sorry that I took two years to realise my marathon dream as I'm very glad that my fund raising is behind me, but the pressure of training and keeping myself fit enough to get to the starting line is mounting and in some ways I wish it was sooner, and in others I'm very glad that it's not!

London - 93
Total Distance covered     1078.3 miles

Thursday 21 January 2016

Day 641

1.  I dared to believe yesterday that the issues I'd had with my right leg were behind me...

2.  They might well be, but my left has now decided that it wants in on the action. 

3.  Or rather that it is loudly (in the form of muscle spasms) requesting a period of inaction!

4.  So a day off from running today, and as FMG has not had the go ahead to run that we'd hoped for, I can't help but feel like the dream is crumbling a little and that's making me sad.

5.  Still in an attempt to keep moving forward and acquire some new knowledge, I accompanied fellow parkrunner to a sports nutrition talk by the Running Man in the hope of learning what to eat, or as it turned out what not to eat! Oh dear! A lot of sound advice I'm sure, but apparently not something we're ready to fully accommodate in our daily diets - I came home and ate half a baguette, whilst somewhat more appetisingly pizza and wine was on the menu at maison du fellow parkrunner!

London - 94
Total Distance covered     1078.3 miles

Wednesday 20 January 2016

Day 640

1.  I am so done with feeling cold...

2.  But after applying my new ruthless tidying techniques to my tops I've got nothing left to wear if we get a sudden heatwave! 

3.  I really struggled throwing out my all time favourite ever top but it was so old that the fabric had gone horrid and it didn't pass the "hold this in your hands - does this bring you joy?" test and so it had to go... 

4.  I didn't realised when I found my book by chance that it was so popular and the latest craze. Makes me a little sceptical and I am starting to think perhaps I should bag and keep the discard pile in case next year's finding happiness fad is to fill your home with everything you've ever owned and live in messy but contented comfort!

5.  Pleased to report that FMG is on the road to recovery! A turn on the exercise bike and treadmill last night and her leg is fine - yay!! All we need now is for the physio to recommend running as the best cure for a dislocated shoulder when you see them tomorrow 😉

London - 95
Total Distance covered     1078.3 miles

Tuesday 19 January 2016

Day 639

1.  I am finding it really hard to get motivated - London seems such a long way off. The weather is so cold and I just can't be bothered....

2.  But that attitude will only come back to haunt me when it's getting closer to April and I wish I'd done more when I had the chance.

3.  So it was to my new favourite running app Strava that I turned for motivation and a chance to increase my standing on the Leaderboard along a particular stretch of road.  This would mean that I had to commit to running five miles and would make me push myself - win win!

4.  I'm now in second place! Whoooo hooooo!! But only on the woman's list.... I'm 55th on the combined but only six seconds behind Mr L

5.  I probably should have kept that particular bit of information to myself, nothing more sure of making him up his game next time he's out than the knowledge that I'm trying to beat him!

No stopping for photos today! 

London - 96
Distance covered                   5.2 miles
Total Distance covered     1078.3 miles

Monday 18 January 2016

Day 638

1.  If I'd had to write a list of places where I really didn't want to be today, the gym would have come pretty close to top of the list.

2.  Hit a real downer and started to question whether or not it is worth it.  Found myself asking "How much do you want to be able to run a marathon" and "Not enough to go through this" coming back as the reply.

3. I then started my usual game of seeking excuses as to why I can only do 3 instead of 4 sets of something, or why I really shouldn't do any step ups at all, or why I have to leave early and so there isn't any time for the prowler....

4.  Sat on the floor between sets in my minutes rest, using the opportunity to have a quick look at my emails and this came in from the Business Bakery...

5.  All sets done in their entirety INCLUDING the prowler and the mountain climb running things that are in place of the bear crawls but make me feel just as inept!

London - 97
Total Distance covered     1073.1 miles

Sunday 17 January 2016

Day 637

I have written and inadvertently deleted this post twice now - here's hoping it's third time lucky...

1.  I have started putting my tidying book into practice! My sock drawer used to look like this:

2.  And now looks like this:

3.  I am more than a little bit pleased with myself.  Whether or not I can maintain such order will remain to be seen, BUT

4.  I am itching to get on with the rest of my clothes and then my entire house now (actually I have also done my pants drawer but I shall spare you the photographic evidence!) but I have a feeling I won't be able to find the time this week.

5.  Wouldn't have started today if it hadn't been for my sister.  She had to run 10 miles (broken into 1 mile segments) and couldn't be bothered, I had lots of jobs to do and no motivation to do them.... so we spent the day trading success to motivate the other.  Caught out early on with my "if you do mile 3 I'll do another drawer" only to find mile three was already done, I should have known better than to wager the entire ironing pile finished this evening on her ability to complete all ten miles! It was a fun and productive day. Love you sis xxx

London - 98
Total Distance covered     1073.1 miles

Saturday 16 January 2016

Day 636

1.  Al and Dougal have got a new PB - 22.58! The first in the family to go sub twenty three minutes! Soooo proud (and just the HUGEST bit envious!) Well done! One day I'll be trying to catch you....

2.  But not this morning.  Agreed with fellow parkrunner and SC to run together and have a nice bimble round like we did on New Years Day...

3.  Hmmmm last time SC gets the job of being lead runner! An 8 minute 13 mile does not constitute a leisurely pace! Unless of course you're my speedy husband!

4.  Talk afterwards in the cafe was on the merits of my new tidying book that I have two thirds read and not put into practice.  Whether it was this or just the general state of our house but I got into a bit of a state about it this afternoon but not so much as to actually do anything significant about it.

5.  Boys went out running together this afternoon and lovely as it is to be in a family of fitness freaks (well not quite) I'm struggling to keep on top of our normal washing when we are producing so much kit to wash - especially as the weather is necessitating the wearing of multiple layers. I just feel like I'm going backwards - except for my knitting which is growing nicely! Clearly it's not my house, but my priorities that are a mess.

London - 99
Distance covered                3.1 miles
Total Distance covered     1073.1 miles

Friday 15 January 2016

Day 635

1.  If 100 days to London was the only thing that got me running yesterday then the thought of starting my next page of bunting colouring in with a Jack sh*t day was enough to get me to the gym!

2.  Actually it was also slightly influenced by the fact that if I went today I could do JS on Sunday... and that was a much nicer prospect - especially when I looked at the weather.

3.  My replacement replacement wool has arrived and this time it's staying! Poncho heaven here I come....

4.  This isn't the only reason that my job list didn't get much of a look in today - honest!

5.  But I amused myself greatly by writing a new entry on my to-do list and ticking it off almost immediately "None of the above" I feel so accomplished!

London -100
Total Distance covered     1070 miles

Thursday 14 January 2016

Day 634

1.  According to my Virgin Money Giving page, and my countdown bunting it is 100 days to London!! According to the countdown at the bottom of the page it's M minus 101 but I think that's because I want it to read M minus 1 the day before.  Was stuck in this debate 50 days ago, but one thing's for sure... there's not long to go!!

2.  It was this, and this alone that got me out running this lunchtime. Very cold but thankfully no snow - although there were a few flurries this morning. 

3.  My legs are in a state of shock! 13 miles on Sunday, 5 miles today and two trips to the gym already this week, with another planned for tomorrow, they might just have given up by the time I get to parkrun on Saturday. 

4. In terms of a fifty day round up I shan't bore you with all of the scintillating facts but suffice to say  my gym attendance has almost halved and the days I've done Jack sh*t has more than doubled!  

5.  Long awaited poncho wool arrived today, but they sent the wrong colour! Fingers crossed for a replacement tomorrow so I can then spend as much of the weekend as possible hibernating under a blanket with my knitting, think there might even be some snooker on - can life get any more exciting?!

London -101
Distance covered                 5.3 miles
Total Distance covered     1070 miles

Wednesday 13 January 2016

Day 633

1.  Disappointingly a Darcy free day today. 

2.  But I have found an old Channel 4 three part drama on YouTube that I watched and watched when we first got a video recorder. (Annika - remember it sis or schoolfriendofMG750?) 

3.  I was however very good and didn't start watching it today but for some reason I seem to have very few jobs on my to-do list for tomorrow.

4.  Back in the gym this morning only another 14 times through the programme before I'm get to request a new one...

5.  I know -  we've been here before, but I'm hoping I mean business this time! 

London -102
Total Distance covered     1064.7 miles

Tuesday 12 January 2016

Day 632

1.  My leg wasn't much better today and the weather was freezing so I decided on a rest day rather than a run day.

2.  I did however give myself a bit of a stern talking to this morning - bearing in mind that I'd to stop what I had planned for last week on Wednesday and get on with cleaning for our visitors, this means I adopted my new focused approach for a total of 3 days.  I think I can give it a better go than that.

3.  I had a better day.  It wasn't brilliant, but it was better than yesterday and although today's list was not completed I did at least tick off yesterday's.

4.  In my defence I don't think I'm overly well.... two thermal tops, a jumper and a scarf on indoors and I'm still cold?

5.  But I'd be lying if I didn't admit to the main reason behind my lack of motivation for jobs being my obsession with binge watching the BBC's adaptation of Pride and Prejudice from twenty-one years ago! Oh Mr Darcy!!!

London -103
Total Distance covered     1064.7 miles

Monday 11 January 2016

Day 631

1.  My legs felt remarkably OK to say I ran a half marathon yesterday.... right up until the point where I got back from the gym!

2.  I think I must have been working too hard (smiley face crying with laughter) but I have come away with pain all the way down my right leg.

3.  I am also exhausted and my new air of optimism and focus from the start of last week seems to have deserted me.

4.  My to-do list remains undone and I don't care, which is all a bit disappointing really.

5.  Not all doom and gloom.... despite my worrying to the contrary no disaster befell my house (and dog who was in it) when I went out on a forty minute round trip to collect H and forgot to take a pan with our tea in it off the hob. I say 'forgot', but actually by the time I left the house, half an hour after putting it on in the first place, I had no recollection of making it!  Time for an early night I think.

London -104
Total Distance covered     1064.7 miles

Sunday 10 January 2016

Day 630

1.  Good old underwater hockey fitness training - H wanted to come out and run with me this morning so... 

2.  In an act of preparing for the mental toughness of the marathon I ran a nine mile loop which finished at home, had a quick wee, got H and the dog and set back off up the road for a further four! 

3.  Not easy but I did it and in terms of London distances.... I have made it to Tower Bridge! 

4. Thirteen point two two miles! As measured on my Garmin... just a shame my Strava decided it was twelve point nine.

5.  If I'd known I might have run an extra point three just for the pleasure of seeing it in writing but I didn't find out till I got home and having already done it once there was no way I was turning round and heading out again!

London -105
Distance covered                 13.2 miles
Total Distance covered     1064.7 miles

Saturday 9 January 2016

Day 629

1.  Another parkrunday without running...

2.  Another morning volunteering in the pouring rain!

3.  Had to leave sharpish so didn't even get to chat in the cafe afterwards - but I did manage to 'click' all 126 runners in without a disaster so it wasn't all bad! And I'm only 6 more jobs off my volunteers T-shirt!!

4.  Can't quite get my head round the fact that I'm running a half marathon tomorrow, and it's just a training run! 

5.  Did manage a bit of carb loading in the shape of some rather delicious salted caramel brownie this afternoon which I'm sure will help loads - not quite so convinced about the merits of the large amount of curry I consumed later!

London -106
Total Distance covered     1051.5 miles

Friday 8 January 2016

Day 628

1.  Oh my did I feel old this morning. Having moved out of our bedroom in preparation for Al's dad arriving this afternoon, I awoke sandwiched between Al and the wall, found that my stomach muscles were not going to let me sit up and so had to manoeuvre myself onto my tummy and crawl out of bed backwards!

2.  No rest for the wicked or those training for a marathon and it was back to the gym this morning.

3.  Oh dear! It's just too much like hard work! Tried to convince myself that when it said 10 step ups it meant 5 on each leg - but the Biomechamics Man caught me slacking and confirmed my suspicion that it didn't.

4.  One of my exercises involves lying on the floor with an elastic band round my knees, feet on a stool (about chair height) and 10kg of weights resting on my torso before lifting my pelvis as far off the ground as I can... I am struggling to even get into the starting position!

5.  Left without completing all my exercises- but did an extra lap of the field with Dougal later - which involved a somewhat steep and rather muddy incline - surely that equates to three trips across the gym floor with the prowler?!

London -107
Total Distance covered     1051.5 miles

Thursday 7 January 2016

Day 627

1.  GB Squad training for inclusion in the 2017 World Championships Underwater Hockey team has begun. In other words.....

2.  C came with me on my run today!!!!!

3.  Wet and very windy I was really struggling to get my legs going,  changed direction after about three miles and subsequently turned out of the wind - our pace increased by a minute and a half per mile in an instant.

4.  Not sure how many times we'll actually get to run together as today's was a bit of a study leave bonus, but I was very glad of his company.  Not least because I've put my headphones through the washing machine (I know! When will I learn to check my pockets?!) and they have yet to make a full recovery, she says thinking positively that they will.

5.  My lack of running form may also have had something to do with the fact that my legs are killing me after yesterday! I can't sit down without gripping onto something so I can lower myself down gently. On the plus side though it's stopped my hips hurting, although I think the pain there has just been superseded by pain elsewhere - in a strange way it makes a nice change!

London -108
Distance covered 5.4 miles
Total Distance covered     1051.5 miles

Wednesday 6 January 2016

Day 626

1.  Oh my, oh my, oh my have I been half hearted in my approach, not only in going to the gym in the first place - but what I've done when I get there!

2.  I usually work hard enough to take my hoodie off but rarely work up a sweat - bit of a shock to the system when even my glasses steamed up this morning! 

3.  Horrified (but somehow at the same time not surprised) to discover it's been a year since I had my last gym program the Biomechanics Man well and truly put me through my paces.... 

4.  There was one bit that I just couldn't do however... Bear crawls! On all fours supposedly scampering across the floor I just couldn't get the message from my brain to my legs and arms in any form of cohesion that meant forward movement! We have agreed on a stationary exercise in its place whilst I practice being a bear in the privacy of my own home! 

5.  In other news, C has had an offer from Oxford!!!! The Barnardo's bunting was hung up in his honour - he looked suitably nonplussed! In fact he pulled much the same expression later when I told him a parkrun tourism trip to visit him was already being planned!  (Thanks SC)

London -109
Total Distance covered     1046.1 miles

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Day 625

1.  Finally the registration email has arrived from London Marathon.... I'm in and there's no going back!

2.  Might have been a good idea in that case if I'd actually run today but I didn't for two reasons...

3.  Firstly I just couldn't face it; and

4.  Secondly I couldn't face any more washing! If the usual Christmas backlog wasn't enough our machine broke just before New Year and although we've now got a new one the washing mountain remains undented.

5.  But I did have a great walk with the injured FMG putting the world to rights and talking about how positive we were feeling - trick now is to hold that train of thought long enough to get to the gym tomorrow......

London -110
Total Distance covered     1046.1 miles

Monday 4 January 2016

Day 624

1.  Poor FMG :( Already unable to run with a dodgy leg, she's fallen and dislocated her shoulder... OUCH!!

2.  We are trying to stay positive and think of all sorts of cross training she could do, running through the baby pool keeping her shoulder out the water being a particular favourite mental image - until she asks me to join her! 

3.  I think at this point in my recovery plan it became clear that I don't really know what I'm talking about - if only we knew an extremely upbeat, positive and enthusiastic Biomecanics Man who does... 

4.  Personal training session booked in for me on Wednesday, an assessment for FMG on Thursday and I have every confidence that he'll get us back on track! 

5.  Which is just as well as I really miss my training partner and am looking forward to us getting back out there in the not too distant future. Luckily sixteen weeks and many miles equals lots of opportunities x

London -111
Total Distance covered     1046.1 miles

Sunday 3 January 2016

Day 623

1.  It's taken all day but I think I'm finally ready for 2016 to begin!

2.  Dates from last year's diary have been transcribed into this year's, school holiday dates have been looked up and added in too, as have A Level and GCSE Results Day's.... and I might just have flagged the 24th April as one to keep free!

3.  One of my planners has been written in - albeit the boring day to day to-do list one! BUT it worked and I have indeed ticked jobs off the to-do list and planned tomorrow today!

4.  I have stopped short however of starting my Daily Greatness journal... I have a feeling soul searching is going to take a lot of energy and certainly more than I seem to have today.

5.  So I am giving myself this week to catch up on the things that were neglected over Christmas, and perhaps by the end of it I'll have enough clear head space to dream.... but first the finances gggrrrrrr!

London -112
Total Distance covered     1046.1 miles

Saturday 2 January 2016

Day 622

1.  I have decided on my goal for the next 100 day challenge (which started yesterday) be marathon fit by the end of it! As there will only be a fortnight to go!

2.   Somewhat reluctantly that meant listening to my legs and not running at parkrun this morning :(

3.  Always going to be hard to follow the high of yesterday but, with most of our friends away 'on tour' arriving in the cafe with FMG to find Al and Dougal sat on their own staring into an empty cup (of what had been rubbish tea) was a stark reminder of how much our friends make our morning!

4.  But my leg is feeling better for the rest so I know I did the right thing.

5.  Although following H's lead and staying in bed may have been better still! 

London -113
Total Distance covered     1046.1 miles

Friday 1 January 2016

Day 621

1.  HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!   Best parkrun day ever! Or certainly one of them! 

2.  8.30 start at Dewsbury - second biggest turnout ever and couldn't help but feel a little outnumbered at our home event (by other addicts visiting us en route to the double).  This had the effect of a group of Dewsbury girls sticking together and going for a lovely relaxed run round - far more fun than normal! Meanwhile up infront the boys were racing - Al just beaten on both occasions once by parkrunfastfinisher and once by GY is thrilled to have won on aggregate! 

3.  Then it was off to Nostell a Priory to do it all again! Slightly faster pace and the company of fellow parkrunner all the way round - just great running! The tea and tea cake at hers on the way home being the perfect end to a great morning.

4.  Having got up at 7 and not home till 1 - another part of my marathon training is underway... Six hours in my sports bra is an endurance event all by itself! 

5.  2016 it's finally here!! Soooo excited! FMG can't run and is desperate to, sisterofMG750 (or MG150) can run and can't be ars*d, and I'm in denial about the pain in my leg and the work ahead of me.... BUT I have every faith that we'll get there one way or another! #THESE GIRLS CAN!

London -114
Distance covered                   6.2 miles
Total Distance covered     1046.1 miles