Sunday 1 March 2015

No excuses

Poorly or otherwise!

Despite my best intentions to either sleep the weekend away, or get ready to hit the ground running on Monday, I haven't had anywhere near the amount of sleep I would have liked to have had, and I am not going to be running anywhere tomorrow - either physically or metaphorically! Nor am I going to go to the gym...

This last point is causing me more anguish that I ever thought possible! I am having an internal battle between the voice that's telling me that I CAN do this, that I can get back in there, get training, beat the issues I'm having with my legs, prove to myself that I HAVE got what it takes, and the one which is telling me that I need to take time out to rest and recover.  The trouble comes when I then think that listening to the rest and recover voice is also playing right into the hands of the CAN'T camp, and I'm trying very hard to beat that one into submission!

New month, new resolutions, new beginnings it's all there trying to entice me into action but perhaps listening to my body and not pushing it when it needs to rest IS the way forward and perhaps there are things I can do tomorrow to show me that I mean business without having to go the gym.

There are exercises that I am supposed to do at home that I need to build into a daily routine which are just as important, if not more so, and yet more often or not I ignore them because I've been to the gym or for a run and convince myself that I've done all that I need to do for the day.

Concentrating on this, getting my eating back towards something resembling the intake of someone who is supposedly trying to loose weight, and getting on top of my to-do list can all be done without leaving the house.  Poorly or otherwise there is no excuse not to be moving forward...

All that said, in my current state of feeling sorry for myself I could quite happily entertain the idea of never putting my running shoes on again, and I can almost feel every bit of tension in my legs melt away as the muscles in my legs relax just at the thought!

M - 436
Liverpool Half - 105
Glasgow Half - 217
Total Distance covered   503.2 miles

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