Saturday 14 March 2015

Day 328

1. By far and away the best thing about today was the news that sisterofMG750 is joining me and HMG at the Glasgow Half! (twenty nine weeks tomorrow sis... too early to book a table for lunch twenty nine weeks today schoolfriendofMG750?)

2. Didn't make my goal of a sub twenty six minute parkrun because I didn't go! Listening to my body instead which is telling me to give my dodgy leg another week's recuperation, which is a positive thing.

3. I will however be back soon and eventually I will be fitter and faster than ever before, but I may never again catch parkrunfastfinisher who smashed his PB this morning - WELL DONE! Soooo close to sub twenty three...  soooo where I'd like to be (again boding the question of why I decided to go after a long distance goal?!)

4. H's 'dress' has been restructured using forty metres of garden wire into something slightly less girlie,.

5. I may have FINISHED SEWING but I've still got thirty eight shoes to make, and I'm still not entirely sure how I'm going to make them!

M - 423
Liverpool Half - 92
Glasgow Half - 204
Total Distance covered   506.3 miles

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