Tuesday 10 March 2015

Day 324

1. Oh how fortuitous that our internet has gone down again... I really needed to be able to concentrate on my sewing without any distractions and now I can.

2.  There are many parents who would give anything for another day where instead of no distractions their children provided many, particularly of the chauffeuring kind.  I consider myself blessed to be so fortunate that for me this is still my reality, and at no point during the day did I mutter or curse anything to the contrary when requested to stop what I was doing to collect my son (who shall remain nameless, but it wasn't C, although I did have to pick you up later, but it was at least planned).

3.  Despite aforesaid interruptions the ladybird and spider are FINISHED! and

4.  Ten seams on the centipede have been sown - only a further thirty two to go (think I should have been less adventurous with this one, and I still don't know how I'm going to do the feet!).

5.  My left leg didn't start doing some strange spasm-y thing until after a lovely walk around the woods with the dogs on a beautiful sunny morning.

M - 427
Liverpool Half - 96
Glasgow Half - 208
Total Distance covered   506.3 miles

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