Sunday 8 March 2015

Day 322

1.  Al was a bit of a star this morning helping me tidy and clean the downstairs of the house and almost averting a slight panic attack over what a tip our house is.

2.  By the time H's ten friends (that he'd somehow managed to inadvertently invite around to watch a film this afternoon) arrived I was almost calm.  With no reason for any of them to go into our bedroom or C's, they hopefully won't see where I've stuffed all the usual clutter that adorns the top landing.

3.  There is now so much stuff out of the airing cupboard that I haven't managed to put away recently that tidying it this next week should be a lot easier and fingers crossed I should make that goal by next Monday too.

4.  My legs are none the worse after yesterday's run to the extent that I am prepared to start thinking about our training plan for Liverpool HMG, even if I'm not prepared to actually start implementing it yet!

5.  H's friends left and the house looks none the worse for their being here! This means I can stay downstairs tomorrow and pretend it's all clean and tidy.  They also didn't eat the cakes that I had made, which is an added bonus but means it will take more luck than crossed fingers for me to meet my comfortably into my jeans in a week's time goal!

M - 429
Liverpool Half - 98
Glasgow Half - 210
Total Distance covered   506.3 miles

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