Tuesday 24 March 2015

Day 338

1. My Liverpool Half Marathon training has begun - thanks for motivating me to get out and get on with it sis.

2. My boot camped buttocks don't quite know what's hit them, man they ache! It was a very slow three and a half miles this lunchtime but I did it.  Fingers crossed they've recovered a little by Thursday.

Sneak Preview
3.  I have stuck with my 'To Do' list two days in a row, and there is only one job that has been carried forward from yesterday to today, and by the looks of it into tomorrow!  Finally putting my 'Stop Procrastinating' job list pad into use that my sis bought me in Brighton -not that she knows me well!

4. Had a nice hour making a greeting card this afternoon. Not the most cost effective venture at a profit return of £1.31 per hour, but I had a nice time. Besides which;

5. Getting from standing to sitting or sitting to standing isn't quite as easy as it usually is (see point 2). Once down I was grateful of the excuse to stay put!

M - 413
Liverpool Half - 82
Glasgow Half - 194
Distance Covered              3.5 miles (only another 176 training miles to go before Liverpool!)
Total Distance covered   512.9 miles

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