2. In light of recent 'conversations' I have decided to invite Leonardo Di Caprio to the gym with me as well as Kevin Bacon, there is a stretching exercise at the end which involves adopting a stance similar to that held by Kate Winslet on the front of the Titanic, seems only fitting that he is there too, (but keep it to yourselves the gym was lovely and quiet this morning and I'd like to keep it that way).

4. Went BACK TO THE GYM THIS EVENING! Had to drop H at drama, and decided that rather than come home and then go back out to pick up C after his workout, I would go and wait for him on the treadmill, followed by a bit of cycling and a very short stint on a cross trainer. Am expecting an email to say that my card must have been lost and found by someone else as it was used twice today!

M - 419
Liverpool Half - 88
Glasgow Half - 200
Total Distance covered 506.3 miles
Total Distance covered 506.3 miles
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