Tuesday 3 March 2015

Old Habits

Die Hard...

Still feeling poorly, still determined to keep moving forward, even when the universe seems to be conspiring to hold me back, still trying to emulate my sisters new found determination.

I decided that today was the day for having a bit of a clear out, or at least tidying up and chucking out some stuff that's been lying around for ages. I am such an awful hoarder, or depending on your point of view - a very good hoarder, and find throwing anything out notoriously difficult but new beginnings, as we decided yesterday, won't just happen with a cup of tea - it's time for action.

Time too to accept that my twice washed iPod which has been lying on the kitchen window sill since before Christmas doesn't work and throw it away. Couldn't do it! Had to check just one last time to see if it had somehow started working again - and it had! Keep checking it as I can't quite believe my luck but so far so good, can't see much on the screen but there is sound without it being plugged into a source of electricity! Almost enough to make me want to get my trainers back on to celebrate... definitely enough to make me question ever throwing anything out ever again!

My attempts to bring my musical tastes up to date were also thwarted today but this time in a most disappointing manner. I have recently received another piece of pre-owned technological kit, a DAB Radio, not from C this time, but from my eighty eight year old dad who has upgraded to something better and passed his old pocket radio on to me.  As a result dog walks since the end of last week have been in the company of Radcliffe and Maconie on Radio 6 Music.  Much has been made about their feature "The Chain" where listeners ring in and suggest a song that somehow links to the previous one, in, you got it, The Chain. Al's been talking about this for years and I was getting quite excited that (after all the build up over the past few days) I would get to hear the five thousandth link (which I think may have taken eight years to get to). Back from my walk a little early, I even kept my headphones in long enough to hear it announced - Dancing Queen by Abba?!!! Are you kidding?! First up, it is my least favourite Abba song (why does everyone else seem to like it so much?) and secondly if I'd wanted to listen to Abba I have plenty to choose from and don't need a digital radio for the pleasure (although admittedly being on vinyl it's not so easy to listen to whilst out walking). To give him his due Stuart Maconie did say it wasn't very 6 Music but still I can't help but feel that there is a conspiracy against me making any forward progress today!

Although that said I did open the airing cupboard door and have a quick look at the task ahead if that counts?!

M - 434
Liverpool Half - 103
Glasgow Half - 215
Total Distance covered   503.2 mile

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