Thursday 5 March 2015

A change of tack

is unfortunately required...

I made a decision about my blog today... for the time being at least I can't keep writing it. The fact that it has taken me four days to find time to write about it, I think means that disappointing as it is, it is the right decision.

Quite simply I don't have enough time.

But having worked so hard to keep going for so long, and having failed at Christmas to stop writing even though I said I would, I have decided to see if there is another way that I can stop, yet somehow at the same time keep going.  After much deliberation I have decided upon a five positive things about the day approach akin to the trend that was on Facebook last summer.  The other thing which some days takes more time than others is a title, so for days when I have only listed I will just use the day number as the title - not least because if I try to think of something relevant one of my points will be old news by the time you get to it on the list!

I am however immensely sad that it has come to this, I know from when I tried to stop before how much I am going to miss writing every day, but I have to find a way to catch up with my life outside marathongirl750, and even get back on track with the bits that are marathongirl750.  I hope you understand, and I hope you'll stick with me, yet at the same time I also hope that not too many of you prefer this new abridged format, but maybe regular readers will be grateful of the time to spend doing something else too!

OK enough deliberating, there is only one thing for it, to give it a go and see where it takes me, so here goes....

Today's top five things (in no particular order, except of course for the first)

1.  Al came home early and made tea - thank you! I think we'd still be waiting if it had been left up to me (and I'm writing this on Sunday!).

2.  I enjoyed every mouthful of the 'contraband' cheese and onion toastie that I made for lunch.

3.  After an hour spent trying to thread my overlocking sewing machine, and despite my failing eyesight and lack of understanding over what I was doing really, I got it to work; consequently

4.  The Spider costume is almost made, fits the girl who will be wearing it, and she liked it - result!

5.  In an attempt to save time I ran a few steps between shops this afternoon and my legs didn't collapse beneath me!

M - 432
Liverpool Half - 101
Glasgow Half - 213
Total Distance covered   503.2 miles

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