Monday 2 March 2015

Spring Clean

and the 'promise' of New Beginnings....

Haven't stopped today - and I can't help but think it might have been more restful if I'd actually gone to the gym for an hour this morning and then justified spending the rest of the day on the sofa! Although to be fair there is a difference between not having stopped and actually being active - I've spent most of the day on the computer catching up with finances, and blog writing, and gathering ideas for insect costumes! My favourite by far of which is the glow worm and I spent most of my lunchtime sourcing some options for fabulous iridescent fabrics only to be told by C an hour later that they are considering ditching that part!

I did get up from the computer long enough to make another batch of sweet potato and quinoa soup - firstly as an attempt to feel better (nothing like a bowl of soup when you're poorly) and secondly as an attempt to join sisterofMG750 as she embarks on a transformation programme of her own! It didn't go unnoted in Brighton that perhaps we were doing things the wrong way round and our half marathon should ideally have come at the end of our transformation, not part way through as in my case, or as the catalyst to start as in my sister's! In a further act of solidarity I have also (today) not eaten any of the brownies I made at the weekend  - although I must confess to a scraping of cream and crumbs.... even if it did make me feel like one of the dogs being given the bowl to clean!

AND I have purchased some Detox Teabags! They are apparently going to give me a spring clean and a fresh start for mind, body and soul. Simply by infusing the tea in freshly boiled water for five minutes before drinking I am going to be able to shrug off the old and embrace the new...  I have a small suspicion that it may take slightly more than this, but if nothing else it tastes nice!

M - 435
Liverpool Half - 104
Glasgow Half - 216
Total Distance covered   503.2 miles

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