Saturday 7 March 2015

Day 321

1.  I have discovered that even when I'm not feeling particularly well I would rather run than clean the bathroom.

2.  I have returned to parkrun, my IT Bands were fine, the pain on the top of my left foot which almost stopped me from going, until I thought about the cleaning, is no worse for having been run on, and my time was only seventeen seconds off my sub twenty six minute goal for a week on Monday, so maybe just maybe I might make it after all...

3.  My namesake iris is flowering in the garden again, as is the first primrose - definitely signs that spring is on it's way.

4.  It was actually warm and sunny and FELT like spring was on it's way.

5.  Etsy favouriter (and now C's favourite) was round, always nice to see her.

M - 430
Liverpool Half - 99
Glasgow Half - 211
Distance covered               3.1 miles
Total Distance covered   506.3 miles

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