Sunday 29 March 2015


Digging deep...

My little dog is poorly.  Actually he's not poorly he's just old and I hope I'm wrong but I don't think we've got much longer with him.  To the extent that Al came home today to spend some time with him -and me (and he hadn't even read yesterday's blog). The boys have been brilliant sitting with him and making sure he's not left on his own. It's a sad time but we'll look after him the best we can for as long as he needs us.

Life just seems a little hard at the moment, and all the fight of last Sunday seems to have left me.  My hips hurt and it feels like such a long time since I've actually enjoyed running that I can't help but wonder what I'm doing it all for.  On the other hand I also know that given how emotionally draining the past week or so has been it's little wonder I'm feeling like I do now, but it will pass, I've just got to hang on in there.

Which is why I found myself outside the gym at half past eight this morning waiting for it to open. Actually it was C who encouraged me to go, admittedly from his bed, but thank you.  I'm glad I did it. He also pointed out that I am pushing more weight than I was when I started so I must be getting stronger, even if I'm not in a place to acknowledge it. Nor it seems, am I able to put my parkrun times into context!

It's beginning to get to me that I can't run as fast as I used to.  What I seem incapable of appreciating is firstly that I've had an injury, secondly I often run parkrun at the end of a longer run, and thirdly I know from experience that improvements do not come on a linear week on week basis. So why am I expecting them to?! Because I've been to the gym seventeen times now and I'd like to see some kind of reward for my efforts!

5x50 Challenge starts today (5K a day, for 50 days) - seems odd not doing it having done so for the past two years.  I did contemplate signing up and substituting my exercises for the 5K run, but in much the same vein as the transformation programme at the gym, I don't need anything else to beat myself up over at the moment.  I need to focus on doing what's right for me, and not try too hard to stick to a fifty day goal irrespective of the consequences.  But for anyone up for a challenge I thoroughly recommend it!

M - 408
Liverpool Half - 77
Glasgow Half - 189
Total Distance covered   520.9 miles

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