Saturday 28 February 2015


No Parkrun?!

In bed at 9am the second Saturday in a row - something's wrong!

Unable to run at parkrun this morning, I couldn't even bring myself to go volunteer which is very unlike me.  I did contemplate going along afterwards for a cup of tea and catch up in the cafe but when it came to it, I couldn't find the energy or motivation to do that either.

As the day wore on it became increasingly apparent that I am actually poorly - but not before I'd spent a good portion of the day dissecting why I might have been feeling so rubbish and why I was avoiding parkrun!

Various theories surfaced and amongst them the overriding feeling that I've let myself down by not starting cross training last summer and going at this whole thing kind of half heartedly - picking and choosing which bits suit me.  Before long I was berating myself for how I always do this and consequently what a disappointment |I am - oh dear! With the benefit of hindsight (I'm writing this on Monday) I think it was just as well that I stayed away from the cafe and spent the morning in the company of my foam roller instead!

Nice afternoon with Al and C going to watch H in a pantomime - "Oh no it wasn't!" "Oh yes it was! and a lovely evening spent chatting over dinner with friends... but I just wanted to be left alone to sleep somewhere warm!

I think it's sisterofMG750's cold that I've caught - obviously pay back for dragging her round the shops for so much of last Saturday!

M - 437
Liverpool Half - 106
Glasgow Half - 218
Total Distance covered   503.2 miles

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