Thursday 5 February 2015

Garmin Gloom

It's hard to be productive when technology is being anything but helpful!

Something strange has happened to me, as with Sunday morning, I would almost rather go to the gym than go for a run - I am hoping that this isn't permanent! I think it has more to do with the fact that the gym in contained and safe, I know it will take me an hour, I know I can do all of my exercises. Running is much more of an unknown entity at the moment, it may take me longer than an hour and I have no idea if I'll be able to do it. But I want to run seven miles with HMG on Saturday morning, so I need to run five today.

As with Sunday, it appears that my IT Band issues are behind me (for the time being at least) but my knees and ankles are definitely not impressed with my return to pounding the streets.  I know now why so many people fail to get into running in the first place, it just hurts too much.  But already an addict I tell myself it'll be OK, I'll just try blasting my knees with hot and cold water in the shower as recommended by my marathon running friend, and sit with a bag of frozen peas on my ankle this evening! I keep hearing words from the podcast I listened to about making every step better than the last, the importance of having a uniform stride and footfall pattern and realising how far I've got to go, but feel too that I'm taking albeit small steps towards that reality with my gym exercises!

Coming home I am keen to look at my stats on the computer, only to find that my Garmin has stopped working again, and what little time I had to be productive over lunchtime became time spent talking to their customer service department as we tried yet again to get it to work properly.  The woman is not convinced that there is anything wrong with the unit, I've had so many sent that they can't ALL be faulty, and is much more of the opinion that it's my computer, at which point I am lost.
I have no idea how to check if it is my computer, or then what to do if it is.

Disgruntled I headed out for a walk with the dogs, wearing my Garmin to see if I can get it to work when I get home.  Firstly my four mile walk round the woods, looks like it might be nearer to two (but maybe that's an aerial distance and all the steeping up and down would make it nearer four if you were to walk it on the flat?!) secondly for some unknown reason it now works.  It's done this before and perhaps in the absence of any greater understanding I'm just going to have to accept that it's fickle. It either works or it doesn't, I have no idea why, nor what prompts it into behaving in a particular manner on a particular occasion.  In other words it's moody and temperamental - who knew we had so much in common!

M - 460
Brighton Half - 17
Liverpool Half - 129
Glasgow Half - 241
Distance covered               5.1 miles 
Total Distance covered   469.3 miles

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