Friday 6 February 2015

SMART Goals...

Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely

As part of the transformation plan, I am supposed to be writing down my goals for the six weeks and posting them in the transformers face book group - I have, as yet, been unable to bring myself to do this.

First and foremost I don't really want to join the group.  I've had a look at it a couple of times and I'm a little loathed to have yet another virtual presence to maintain, and more photographs of peoples food to look at.  I'm find it hard enough to get excited over pictures of what my friends had for tea, let alone a bunch of people I don't know, I'm also not sure that I want to waste any of my now precious time for being productive on looking at the culinary delights that others have managed to concoct when I've struggled on the past two nights to assemble the ingredients bought on Wednesday into a salad! (Got there this evening, and very nice it was too - shame I didn't think to provide you with an image of it in case you aren't prepared to take my word for it!).

Secondly once I've written my goals down, I'm going to have to take ownership of them. (it's OK I know that's the point, I'm just not sure I'm ready to commit!).

The exercise one is easy, I want to finish my first half marathon and not set myself back in doing so. I want to finish, able to run the following week, should I choose to do so, and use it as a launch pad for my Liverpool campaign - not be consigned to the injury bench as a result of running it.

The weigh loss one isn't much harder, I want to be able to fit comfortably into my jeans without feeling like I'm wearing some sort of secret support underwear that compresses as much of your flab as the strength of fabric will allow and then just redistributes the rest of it upwards and over the top (or so I'm told!!!).

The big one for me is, the one involving mindset.  Which, if I'm honest, is the real reason I signed up in the first place.  I want to say that I am going to get organised and motivated enough to give the upstairs of our house a thorough tidy out and spring clean. Feng Shui our bedroom and get rid of the Man U blanket that has somehow remained on the bed since it's arrival several months ago! But every time I think about it, I start to think about how I won't have time and how I've now wasted the best part of the first week already which would only leave me five, and I've got quite a lot of other stuff on next week, and then it's the half term holidays, and then there's Brighton....

Perhaps my goal is too great, perhaps I should just start with one room, but in a way that's worse as I wouldn't be able to avoid the bits that I don't want to do and just move on to the bits that I don't mind doing in another room! Which again, I think may be the point!  In which case I need to make my goal something realistic and achievable, something I will actually do and am prepared to commit publicly to (albeit only on here).

OK so here goes

By the end of the six weeks I will....

1. Have finished the Brighton Half in under three hours and run a sub twenty six minute parkrun
2. Eaten more healthily so that I fit back into my jeans
3. Have tidied the airing cupboard!

M - 459
Brighton Half - 16
Liverpool Half - 128
Glasgow Half - 240
Total Distance covered   469.3 miles

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