Monday 9 February 2015

24 hours

How do you spend yours?!

Day six in the gym and they finally played something I recognised! Guns and Roses, followed by a bit of REM to sing along to, I say bit because just as I thought I'd arrived in time to hear the 80's and 90's mix, a warning bell must have rung somewhere and off it went.  It's like the place wouldn't function without it's beating BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! heartbeat.... or maybe I'm just old.

Certainly felt it today. Legs were somewhat sluggish and the dogs got walked a newly navigated route to avoid our usual hills! I'm not sure at what point I decided that walking for an hour and a half every day wasn't exercise enough, but I regretted it today! In stark contrast to yesterday where I was on top of the world post gym and out with the dogs, today I was shuffling along like I'd lost the will to live, or at the very least the energy!

The next step, having decided on my goals for the (now five weeks) transformation is to break them down into daily tasks, but I've yet to find time to disassemble them let alone start ticking them off! Feeling very sorry for myself my internal dialogue going something along the lines of "How on earth am I supposed to find time to do anything else other than exercise?! By the time I've got to the gym, done my exercises and got home that's the best part of two hours, getting ready to walk the dogs, walking them and washing eight muddy paws on our return is another two hours, which (in case you're struggling to keep up with my action packed life) is four hours devoted to exercise a day. Add on the eight that I'm supposed to sleep through, and that's what? Half my day gone?!" Which begs the question

What the chuff am I doing with the other half?!

How am I managing to waste twelve hours on the rest of my day and STILL not achieve anything other than eating, washing, ironing, cooking, supermarket shopping, blogging, tidying and occasional cleaning?!

I can feel the need for a time audit approaching and I'm not a great fan of those! In much the same way that I didn't want to commit my goals to paper I don't really want to add up the number of minutes I waste in on my ipod, checking email, Facebook, Blogger, Twitter or Etsy depending where I think there will be the most sign of life! Nor do I really need to know that my habit of popping into the supermarket every morning on the way back from dropping the boys at school probably equates to over three hours a week!

Oh dear - quick look on FB and the gym have posted a photo of everyone getting stuck in for #fatlossfeb and I'm chatting with the Biomechanics Man not doing any exercise at all.... and there in may lie the real answer of where the rest of my time goes! Chatting in general, not always with the Biomechanics Man I hasten to add! Although to be fair, if I was going to be caught on camera whilst at the gym this morning, I think this was undoubtedly the lesser of all evils!

M - 456
Brighton Half - 13
Liverpool Half - 125
Glasgow Half - 237
Total Distance covered   476.4 miles

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