Am I ready for this?!
Up, dressed, school run, supermarket, home, change, gym, home, try on T-shirt, change, walk the dogs, change, pick H up from school, change, gym, home, change, eat tea, change, go to bed. Aaarrghhh my life has suddenly got too busy and contained far too much changing before I went back to the gym this evening for the start of their six week transformation programme!
Don't ask me why I signed up for it, I think I thought it would be a good idea and help motivate me into going. When C asked what it had been like and I explained that we'd been weighed and measured and then sat down for a pep talk, he responded with "oh you mean like Fat Club in 'Stella'!" Yep! I guess that's what I mean. Oh dear!
This is my first attendance at such an event and thankfully we don't reconvene again until the end of the six weeks, at which point we are supposed to submit the before and after photos of our transformation. Oh the indignity of it all, but then looking at the results from tonight's photo shoot (thankfully taken by Al in the privacy of my own home) perhaps there is a reasonable explanation for why the Wateraid T-shirt that arrived today is less than flattering!
There are three parts to the programme - mindset, diet, and physical exercise. First up, we've to sort our lives out! Have the difficult conversations we've been hiding from and face up to the fact that we are solely responsible for our actions and the choices we make. Not aware of any conversations that I'm hiding from, as for taking responsibility I'm not sure "I like cake, therefore I eat it" is quite what he had in mind. The recommended workout is in gym speak that I've yet to decipher but there are YouTube videos to help me out although I'm not sure how many times I'll have to watch to remember them when I actually get to the gym. The diet on the face of it doesn't look too bad, one portion from group one, two from group two etc., until I notice that group one is all meat and fish (not much use to a vegetarian) and apart from a baked potato post work out there is no carbohydrate on it! I'm going to starve!

M - 463
Brighton Half - 20
Liverpool Half - 132
Liverpool Half - 132
Glasgow Half - 244
Total Distance covered 464.2 miles
Total Distance covered 464.2 miles
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