Monday 16 February 2015

A third transformed...

can't see it myself!

I may have worked out what I need to do this week, but my mind is clearly demonstrating it's independent streak.... how can I rest, if it insists on waking me up every couple of hours?!  Perhaps if I said what I really wanted in the run up to Brighton was a bout of insomnia, I'd be sleeping like a log! Instead I'm exhausted, and all the race prep in the world will count for nothing if I don't manage to get some sleep between now and then.

But let's face it, I haven't exactly done all the race prep in the world, in fact I don't feel very prepared at all. Perhaps this is subconsciously what is praying on my mind, but too late to do anything about it now, I'll have to find a way to get over it!

I did force myself to go to the gym this morning.  Two weeks in to my transformation programme, and I don't feel a third transformed! I suspect this may be due to the fact that I'm not actually following much it! I haven't stuck to the diet, I'm not doing their exercises, and I haven't got as far as breaking my goals down into daily action lists, but I have tried to eat a bit less and a bit more healthily, and I have been to the gym six times in the past fortnight to do the exercises prescribed by the Biomechanics Man. So, if I'm generous and say I'm doing half of it, then that would be a sixth transformed, but I fear it may nearer a quarter which if my maths is correct would make it a twelfth and I'm beginning to understand why the results aren't obvious when I either, go for a run or look in either the mirror or the airing cupboard! (it being as far I was prepared to commit in terms of tidying goals!).

I would normally at this juncture make sweeping statements about how I'm going to try harder tomorrow... but it's half term week, and any semblance of routine goes out the window! It also means a marked increase in my chauffeuring and food providing duties as all boys are home, yet rarely it would seem all at the same time! I think this evening may be the only one when we're all in and I thought was our golden opportunity to sit down, eat and spend some time together. Then I was reminded Manchester United are on the TV tonight (an equally rare occurrence in a house without a TV sports package). Perhaps then I'll go for a bath instead, see if I can relax a little, and suggest sitting down together post football but that involves staying awake till at least half past nine, and I may well have fallen asleep in the bath before then!

M - 449
Brighton Half - 6
Liverpool Half - 118
Glasgow Half - 230  
Total Distance covered   490.1 miles

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