Thursday 12 February 2015

Following my own advice

when it suits me!

When I suggested yesterday that we should find something we love doing and do it, I don't think it was supposed to mean - and avoid doing what you should be doing! But... I've had a lovely day in the process! Dog walk with HMG this morning, lunch out with HMG and SC, followed by an afternoon making cards!

My right ankle isn't as pain free as I would like it to be, so I decided yesterday that I would rather rest up today in the hope that I can go for a slightly longer run on Saturday morning.  It is a lot better than it was, and with another rest day planned for tomorrow, we're hoping to manage six miles to parkrun (but I've just looked at how I can incorporate our favourite roads into the route and it may have to be seven!).  I'm not sure that running nine or possibly ten miles this close to our half marathon is wise, but I'm desperate to get back out on the longer routes we were  enjoying so much before Christmas and I know HMG is too... maybe we'd be OK if we took it really slowly and I didn't then arrive at parkrun thinking I might get close to running my PB! (which I'm nowhere near, I'm just not very good at acknowledging this when I race off at the start!).

Lunch was lovely, although I should have read the description a little bit more thoroughly. Having decided to ignore my diet  (nothing worse than lunching with a calorie counter) I didn't spot that my choice was served with "a couple of chips" until after it arrived. To be fair there was slightly more than two but only just.  Seems like even when I'm trying to break my diet the universe is conspiring to keep me on track! I'll be thankful for it one day - today I just feel a little peeved!

Came home and, with a house full of jobs to do, decided to start making a couple of cards instead (no clues - but you're going to like it Etsy Favouriter!). This is never going to be a commercial venture when it takes me so long to make them, but I enjoyed myself, got to empty lots of art boxes in the process and generally made a mess - which now needs clearing up along with all the other stuff that was already not where it should have been before I added to it!

Of course, what I should be doing now is getting myself organised so that days like today can happen more often without the knock on effect of pushing today's jobs into tomorrow, but I bet they won't be nearly as much fun!

M - 453
Brighton Half - 10
Liverpool Half - 122
Glasgow Half - 234  
Total Distance covered   480.1 miles

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